Welcome to St. Bernard's Religious Education Program. We offer faith formation opportunities for children of registered parishioners in public schools Grades 1-8. Children of parishioners in Catholic school are welcome to attend sacrament preparation classes along with our public school students. We can also provide children with challenges catechesis and sacramental prep, tailored to their individual needs, utilizing the Diocese of Joliet’s assistance when necessary.
Our office is located in the Rectory across from Old Oak Golf Course on Parker Road. REP office hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The office is not staffed on Wednesday class days because we are at church, but you may leave a message which will be picked up on Thursday. To call in an absence, please call the church phone number, (708) 301-2301 between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM on class days only. Evening and weekend hours are available by appointment. Please call to schedule.
The Religious Education Program operates with over 50 volunteers and we need extra help in the coming year. If the classes are not staffed, we have to create a waiting list until volunteers are found. Volunteers receive a discount on their tuition. All volunteers over 18 are background checked and take a class on preventing child sexual abuse. All Catechists must be over 18. High school students who have been Confirmed, may Aide in the classroom. High school students over 16 may help with traffic control in the parking lot. Click here to fill out a Volunteer Interest Form.